4 women's portraits 18th century hall

Portrait of countess V.A. Sheremeteva :: Grooth Georg Christoph

Portrait of countess V.A. Sheremeteva :: Grooth Georg Christoph - 4 women's portraits 18th century hall ôîòî
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Grooth Georg Christoph (1716 - 1749) Portrait of countess V.A. Sheremeteva

Oil on canvas, 1746 (132.2 x 105.5 cm) ( 52 x 41,5 inch ) Tretyakov Gallery

image: Public domain

Submitted by: JenKiriakos

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Donna    September 21, 2020

A romantic noblewoman has no stomach

At the beginning and especially in the middle of the XIX century, the fashion for women's figures changed. This was due to the active development of education among women not only of noble origin, but also among the merchant class. The era of romanticism brought to Russia a lot of French novels, which noble and wealthy Russians of both sexes read in the original. At the same time, in their understanding, the image of a new fashionable woman was formed. And [Expand]


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