Women portraits 15th century hall

Women portraits 15th century hall

Albrecht Durer (1471-1528) Portrait of Barbara Durer

images: Public domain

A female portrait of the 15th century is characterized by certain features in style, hairstyle, clothing and facial expression. Realistic beauty ideals were used in the style of portraits, including long and graceful necks, small mouths, beautiful round eyes and high foreheads. Portraits were often depicted in full-length, showing the proportions of the body and clothes. The hairstyles used complex bundles of increased height, curls and braids, but often the hair was covered with scarves or other headdresses. Women's clothing was also fashionable, including abundant fabrics, layered dresses and rich jewelry. The colors were bright and colorful, and the fabrics were well decorated with edging and patterns. The facial expressions of the women in the portraits were usually reasonable, deliberate and even a little sublime. Often portraits depicted a woman in a significant position, but without excessive dramatization or emotion. The images were rather static and formal, but still showed the beauty and attractiveness of women of that period.


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1 women portraits 15th century hall


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1439. 32x26

Artist: Jan van Eyck

Where is located: National Gallery, London (National Gallery, London).

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