7 female portraits ( the end of 19 centuries ) in art and painting

Portrait Of Edith Palgrave Edward In Her London Residence :: Anders Zorn

Portrait Of Edith Palgrave Edward In Her London Residence by artist Anders Zorn  - 7 female portraits ( the end of 19 centuries ) in art and painting ôîòî
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Anders Zorn (1860-1920) Portrait Of Edith Palgrave Edward In Her London Residence

Watercolour heightened with wh 1887 76.2 x 59.7 cm ( 30 x 23,5 inch )

Private art collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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Sabrina    October 25, 2015

Rosemary,I am soooo happy for you and Zach (hey, great name!!). You are a super special pesorn and I hope all the very best for your upcoming wedding and a long and happy life together with Zach. Lots of love,Maureen Simmonds


Joe    October 29, 2015

It shows you face side images on all the notes. But what is inetednd for the other side of each?p.s the colour does look a bit 80 s, but i am sure once the currency has been in circulation for a while it will have a fine layer of coke on it and make the colour a little duller.VN:F [1.9.21_1169](from 1 vote)


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