8 female portraits hall

Golden Adele, Gustave Klimt, Adele Bloch-Bauer, Art Nouveau

Golden Adele, Gustave Klimt, Adele Bloch-Bauer, Art Nouveau - 8 female portraits hall ôîòî
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1907, silver and gold on canvas, 138 x 138 cm,
owner Ronald S. Lauder, NewGalery, New York, USA

Abstraction and realism synthetically merge in this portrait. If you look long into the picture, you can see exotic symbols - Egyptian eyes in triangles and Mycenaean spirals.

artist: Gustav Klimt (Austria)

(1862- 1918)

image: Public domain


Submitted by: art1742

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WuDong   User Rating: 722  January 11, 2018

Gustav Klimt - "Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I" (Golden Adele)

"Golden Adele" for many years was the most real national symbol of Austria. By popularity and replicability, she was not inferior to another famous picture of Klimt - "Kiss." Souvenir shops in Vienna were crowded with a wide variety of objects depicting this fatal beauty with a high hairdo and languid eyes, half-covered with heavy eyelids. When Austria had to part with the picture, this event was a tragedy of a national scale. Seeing [Expand]


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