8 female portraits hall

Three Girls :: Kazimir Malevich

Abstraction portrait Three Girls :: Kazimir Malevich - 8 female portraits hall ôîòî
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Kazimir Severinovich Malevich (1878 - 1935) was a painter and art theoretician, pioneer of geometric abstract art. 


Oil on plywood. 57 x 48 cm. ( 22,4 x 18,9 inch ) The Russian Museum, St. Petersburg

image: Public domain

Submitted by: JenKiriakos

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Donna    September 21, 2020

The fabulous Russian beauty of the pre-Petrine period was "both blush and white", but most importantly, she always had a curvy shape. Only a plump woman with wide hips, a noticeably protruding belly and large Breasts had a better chance of carrying, giving birth and nursing a healthy child, and not just one, but, as expected, about a dozen. At the same time, even rich noblewomen periodically engaged in physical labor – they were able to harness a horse, and, in a carriage or cart, they could also [Expand]


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