flowers in painting

Still Life with Assorted Flowers in a Brass Vase :: Modeste Carlier

Still Life with Assorted Flowers in a Brass Vase by artist Modeste Carlier - flowers in painting ôîòî
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Modeste Carlier (1820-1878) Still Life with Assorted Flowers in a Brass Vase

Oil on canvas (91.5 x 61 cm)( 36 x 24 inch ) Private collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: JenKiriakos

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Noskov   User Rating: 56  April 15, 2015

Flowers and tablecloth to remind us about the work of Monet.


Mariana    October 25, 2015

Hey Anette!I hope you're doing better I just waetnd to tell you that I have been really depressed today and I didn't know what to do to cheer me up so I listened to your songs songs posted on myspace and even if I had already heard them it really helped me thank you for your beautiful music and voice, but also [Expand]


Pahul    October 27, 2015

Hey dearest anttee you really have outdone yourself with that vase. Truly beautiful! Went to a funeral today of a very close loved one so i'm listening to my favourite vocalist! Hope you have a great day and kindest regards from south africa


Habib    October 29, 2015

dit :I liked the interview and auhgolth they are fairly different in subject matter, I am a fan of their work (much more familiar with Miyazaki).Erik, I agree with your comment about the "tricky times." I remember reading Cicero in college and thinking that people have been saying, effectively, "these kids today and their rock-n-roll music! They don't know how good they got it!"I cannot imagine a time when people didn't think that they were living in "tricky times," it must be part of [Expand]


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