It is best of all to order a frame for a mirror of any form in "the Bagetny workshop". There is a wide choice of material in the form of laths of various coloring, types and textures (plastic, wooden, metal). It is possible to make a framework for mirrors, pictures and other products of a baguette. In our masterful work are carried out by skilled masters taking into account all rules of technology therefore workmanship of the ordered product are guaranteed.
mirrors issued within long since are an integral part of an interior of each house, the apartment or commercial establishment. The only thing that changes is a workmanship of a smooth surface and fashion on types, forms, styles of decorative finishing of frames. Despite fashion, a classical oval mirror in a wooden carved frame it is always actual.
If the frame became outdated or the tree looks too simply, it is possible to decorate it independently. An element of an interior ordinary today, such as a mirror, it is possible to turn into stylish art object. For this purpose the wooden frame can be decorated in the flowers, paint, gold powder, game of shadows, a stucco molding. It is only necessary to show the imagination and to enclose a part of soul in the creativity.
Mirror oval in a wooden frame
It is best of all to order a frame for a mirror of any form in "the Bagetny workshop". There is a wide choice of material in the form of laths of various coloring, types and textures (plastic, wooden, metal). It is possible to make a framework for mirrors, pictures and other products of a baguette. In our masterful work are carried out by skilled masters taking into account all rules of technology therefore workmanship of the ordered product are guaranteed.
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If the frame became outdated or the tree looks too simply, it is possible to decorate it independently. An element of an interior ordinary today, such as a mirror, it is possible to turn into stylish art object. For this purpose the wooden frame can be decorated in the flowers, paint, gold powder, game of shadows, a stucco molding. It is only necessary to show the imagination and to enclose a part of soul in the creativity.
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