nu art in mythology painting

Venus and Cupid :: William Etty

Venus and Cupid :: William Etty - nu art in mythology painting ôîòî
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William Etty (1787-1849) Venus and Cupid

Oil on canvas York City Art Gallery

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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WuDong   User Rating: 810  April 24, 2015

Proper design of the mat

By what criteria drawn art work? Are there any rules?

You can not give a definite answer to these questions, because it is, first of all, the visual effect on the man, his visual perception. Specific standards, likely not. Themselves designers are advised to put to work the mat or a baguette and only then it will become clear whether the work is done properly, there is a suitable design.

Initially, the right can be called a design, where the mat to become part of [Expand]


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