nu art in mythology painting

Pandora :: Jules Joseph Lefebvre

Pandora :: Jules Joseph Lefebvre - nu art in mythology painting ôîòî
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technique: oil on canvas

Image for "Jules Joseph Lefebvre, art and painting"

Submitted by: Nika

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WuDong   User Rating: 810  April 24, 2015

(Pandora). A beautiful woman created by Hephaestus at the command of Zeus and received gifts from other gods (hence its name). She was supposed to be the scourge of the people for the fact that Prometheus stole fire from heaven and favored the human race against the will of Zeus. Aphrodite bestowed Pandora beauty, Hermes - courage and cunning, Athena - the ability to needlework. Hermes then brought her to Epimetheus, who married her, forgetting the warning Prometheus take nothing from the gods. Pandora [Expand]


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