Nu in art and painting

Vanitas :: Leon Bazile Perrault

Vanitas by artist Leon Bazile Perrault - Nu in art and painting ôîòî
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Leon Bazile Perrault (1832-1908) Vanitas

Oil on canvas 1886 128.3 x 108.5 cm ( 50,5 x 42,6 inch )

Private art collection

[ (lat. vanitas, letters. — «vanity») ]

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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WuDong   User Rating: 810  April 23, 2015

For Americans Buying A Tirana Finest Cottage As A Second Home

Thinking about to buy a exciting cottage? Going to run away from hustle and bustle of you daily life? Most of the time americans are not satisfy with the way they live. Many believe there is no such place in Europe.

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User   User Rating: 400  April 23, 2019

Monumental version of numerous compositions dedicated to vanity. The artist seems to look at his heroine from the bottom up, because of this, the lower part of her figure seems more massive, as well as her chin. Subjectively, it's not the most favorable angle, which deprives the girl of some femininity and elegance. And in general, the heroine looks static, statuary, monumental. She froze in a certain pose and it seems that she is part of a sculptural composition along with a stone bench and a curb. [Expand]


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