Nu in art and painting

Woman Standing In Front Of A Mirror :: Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg

Woman Standing In Front Of A Mirror by artist Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg - Nu in art and painting ôîòî
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Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg (1783-1853) Woman Standing In Front Of A Mirror

Oil on canvas, 1841 Private collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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WuDong   User Rating: 810  April 23, 2015

Perfect back it is!


WuDong   User Rating: 810  April 23, 2015

Albania. Few Reasons About Government Mortgage Help Plans

If you're thinking about living in Albania, there are several earnest decisions you've got to make. Many buyers become embarrassed when trying to buy their first condominium. Many believe there is no such place in Europe.

Relocating to Kavaje is a wonderful idea considering the popularity of the location as a tourist attraction. Kavaje is a city in Adriatic and has warm winters and wonderful summers with large precipitation. Kavaje [Expand]


Pandu    December 21, 2015

Na katathesw k egw tin aoppsi mou.Sto Berolino, to Dekembrh, epatha sok, eilikrina, dioti o sidirodromikos stathmos den einai apla stathmos ws k ekthesiako xwro eixe. episis, to simadikotero, eixe toulaxisto 6 epipeda.... tosa toulaxisto mporesa k metrisa me ta matia mou. perpatousa stin apobathra k apo panw k katw mou diesxizan trena alles apobathres, ypogeis k ypergeies!!!k fysika i apolyth kathariothta [Expand]


Shemeen    December 22, 2015

Ego louzoumai me ta Sunsilk co-creations pou ksidrea kai ta latrevo! H kori mou paei kai ta plenei kai auti giati mirisei Yperoxa!!!Ego dino ena biblio Fashion book apo tis singrafeas tou blog WhoWhatWear! Ela na deis ean sou aresei!Kisses, Vanda


User   User Rating: 400  April 29, 2019

An elegant composition that depicts a naked female body and, at the same time, preserves the mystery, intrigues the viewer. The author built the composition very elegantly, partially closing the figure of the heroine with various details. The girl is depicted with her back to the viewer, there is a towel on the hips, opposite her is a mirror, but it reflects only her head and the upper part of the bust. Even the artist concealed the face - it is blocked by the heroine’s elbow. Thus, it is almost [Expand]


tur    October 15, 2019

?ok g?zel!


lucky95   User Rating: 491  December 10, 2019

Tags: female portrait, Nude, mirror, reflection, round earrings, bare back, pink fabric, boxes, light wall, sunlight, hairstyle, wooden door


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