Nu in art and painting

Fragrant Iris :: Guillaume Seignac

Fragrant Iris by artist Guillaume Seignac - Nu in art and painting ôîòî
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Image for "Guillaume Signac (Guillaume Seignac) - art and painting"

Guillaum Seignac (1870–1924) was a French academic painter.

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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WuDong   User Rating: 810  April 23, 2015

Modern Advices When Choosing A Real Estate Property For Perfect Flat

Pescara homes offer an extraordinary range for retirement in South Europe. Many people will agree that relocate to a new villa or relocating to a new territory can be exciting. But planning and executing the real move itself and arranging transportation is a daunting task. Many believe that it only dreams.

Sure, one of the exciting territory where buyers can buy the best real estate properties is in Italy. This nice place [Expand]


User   User Rating: 400  April 20, 2019

The picture reminds classical works of antiquity. Perhaps this contributes to the carefully thought-out pose of the heroine, which is very picturesque, elegant, graceful, but little natural and almost acrobatic. It could be a marble statue, in this case, the sculptor would be famous for his ability to balance such a monument. The girl bent to smell the flower of the iris, which, like the plot, fully corresponds to the academic canons, she is like a nymph in the Garden of Eden, perfectly beautiful [Expand]


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