Nu in art and painting

The bared girl at pool :: Emmanuel de Dieudonne

The bared girl at pool by artist Emmanuel de Dieudonne - Nu in art and painting ôîòî
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Emmanuel de Dieudonne (1845-1889) A bela no banho

Oil on canvas, 1886 (183 x 128 cm)( 72 x 50,3 inch ) Public collection

[ The bared girl at pool, Very beautiful breast ]

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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WuDong   User Rating: 810  April 23, 2015

Do You Schedule To Build The Home In Velenje?

Have you ever considered what the situation is when one has to move to another place? Most of the amenities like shopping complex, multiplexes, book stores, entertainment centers etc can be found in this area, thus making it the preferred choice for people who can afford it. Is there such place in Europe?

Since Velenje is the largest city in the foreclosures, americans loves to purchase a villa in here. Real estate market in Velenje is still booming [Expand]


User   User Rating: 400  March 17, 2019

The contrast picture, the composition is built on the play of light and shadow. Part of the canvas is brightly lit, so bright that it almost blinds. It also contains the figure of a girl, who seems to be glowing, radiates a light, at the same time this light does not make it clearly traced, but on the contrary, even helps to avoid an excessively detailed image. Her face is also hidden, but by a shadow that covers a whole corner of the picture. Also in some shadows there is an exit out, where palms, [Expand]


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