Nu in art and painting

In A Spring Landscape (Sacred Grove) :: Maurice Denis Figures

In A Spring Landscape (Sacred Grove) by artist Maurice Denis Figures - Nu in art and painting ôîòî
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Maurice Denis Figures In A Spring Landscape (Sacred Grove)

Oil on canvas, 1897 Private collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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WuDong   User Rating: 810  April 23, 2015

Looking For Property In Ferrara To Build A Home On

When one plans to move to place, the first matter which one looks is the good house for comfort living. Beautiful surroundings, climate, and peaceful community make Ferrara flats desirable for retirement. I think everyone would like to live in this place.

Real estate in Ferrara has always been precious and treasured. Buying a real estate in this city is also an investment. Those interested in Ferrara real estate will find a wide variety of [Expand]


User   User Rating: 400  March 27, 2019

An unusually pleasant, fresh, clean picture, it is dedicated to spring, but the author has filled it with richer content. Firstly, this is an unusual interpretation for spring - it is written in such delicate tones that the individual details are almost invisible, you need to peer into them. The author draws attention with these pastel tones and delays the viewer from the canvas, makes him stop, because he cannot be seen quickly, it requires a leisurely study. The figures of the girls are so bright [Expand]


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