Nu in art and painting

The bared girl under an umbrella :: Pierre Carrier-Belleuse

The bared girl under an umbrella :: Pierre Carrier-Belleuse - Nu in art and painting ôîòî
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Pierre Carrier-Belleuse (1851-1932) Nu Sous Un Parasol Pastel

on canvas 1890 (64.8 x 106.4 cm)( 25,5 x 41,8 inch ) Private collection

[ The bared girl under an umbrella. ]

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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WuDong   User Rating: 810  April 23, 2015

Nedakusi: Buying The Best Cottage

What information homebuyers think when they are going to move? Most of the time immigrants are not satisfy with the way they live. Is there such place in Europe?

Nedakusi (Montenegro) offers a lot of benefits and opportunity to the people living in it. Relocating to the city is easy but finding a farmhouse in Nedakusi real estate can be a quite a difficult task, especially for immigrants who have no idea where to start looking. Nedakusi foreclosed homes are [Expand]


lucky95   User Rating: 491  December 12, 2019

Tags: female portrait, Nude, female Breasts, dark hair, red umbrella, shadow, sand, shore, lake, grass, curls, bare feet


Joi    May 6, 2022

Sexologists have identified 15 main reasons why a person can have sex.

An accident

Inherent in adolescents or infantile natures. Something like "I came to the registration, drank a little, went to chat with Misha in another room and then it started spinning...".

Out of spite

Also not the most mature motive, but still. For example, a girl found a guy's correspondence with another girl and decided to take revenge on him with his friend.

Sex as payment

It's not about prostitution. [Expand]


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