Nu in art and painting

Modern Magdalen ( Nude on sofa ) :: William Merritt Chase

Modern Magdalen  ( Nude on sofa ) by artist William Merritt Chase - Nu in art and painting ôîòî
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William Merritt Chase (1849-1916) Modern Magdalen

Oil on canvas, 1888 (48.3 x 38.7 cm)( 19 x 15,2 inch ) Private collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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WuDong   User Rating: 810  April 23, 2015

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Sometimes people buys flat to live in; for others acquiring a flat is a form of investment. It is understandable that europeans often seek a place that located near the local market, workplace and schools. However, most of the common problems of families is a place to stay.

We cannot ignore the fact that Lushnje is a exciting location to live in and the best location on real estate. This beautiful location has lots to do and see. It [Expand]


User   User Rating: 400  March 31, 2019

Stylish, laconic composition. The central figure - a naked girl - is depicted against a background of various fabrics. Her white skin contrasts brightly even with light curtains due to the colorful pattern on them. And the fabrics of the bedspread and pillows that shine like silk or satin look even more luxurious next to the girl’s bare body. But their rich image emphasizes the beauty of the skin of the heroine, they are worthy of each other. The author could portray an abstract girl, but in the [Expand]


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