Romantic scenes in art and painting

His Move :: Albrecht Frans Lieven Vriendt

His Move :: Albrecht Frans Lieven Vriendt - Romantic scenes in art and painting ôîòî
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Albrecht Frans Lieven Vriendt (1843-1900) His Move

Oil on canvas

Public art collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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User   User Rating: 400  September 6, 2018

Two, depicted in the picture, play chess, making alternately their moves. But, probably, their relationship is not limited to this, a much more personal events can unfold between the girl and the young man, and they also represent the execution of turns in turn, yet it can be compared to ping-pong. And the name of the canvas, perhaps, refers specifically to a certain action of a young man, which the girl expects in response to her "pitch", her move. Or he plans to make an important move that will [Expand]


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