Romantic scenes in art and painting

Sur Les Galets :: Albert Aublet ( flirt on the shore )

Sur Les Galets by artist Albert Aublet ( flirt on the shore ) - Romantic scenes in art and painting ôîòî
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Albert Aublet (1851-1938) Sur Les Galets

Oil on canvas 1883 138.5 x 85.6 cm ( 54,5 x 33,6 inch )

Private collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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User   User Rating: 400  September 6, 2018

A romantic scene, slightly disguised in the crowd. At a glance it seems that the author has simply portrayed a lot of people who rest on the shore, perhaps on a Sunday. But looking at the picture more closely, it becomes clear that the canvas is dedicated to the couple in the foreground, a little to the side, but more clearly, compared to the rest of the characters. The man is "at the feet" of his lady, to be able to look at her from the bottom up, to let her feel like his mistress. The artist really [Expand]


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