Romantic scenes in art and painting

Summer Pleasures on the River :: George Sheridan Knowles

Summer Pleasures on the River :: George Sheridan Knowles - Romantic scenes in art and painting ôîòî
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George Sheridan Knowles (1863-1931) Summer Pleasures on the River

Oil On Canvas -1908 75.75 x 103.5 cm ( 29,8 x 40,7 inch )

Private art collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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Laa    July 29, 2015

Oh Geez Not that I really care that much, and I'm not even a big fan, but I bileeve there is no question she had her own baby, and that she did not use a surrogate. First of all, there's just no motive (unless she had fertility issues). She's 30 and in great shape, with the best of trainers and nutritionists (and plastic surgeons, I suppose) to help get her body back very quickly, as many celebs (and regular people!) do all the time. Pregnancy does not have to destroy your body. I had my kids [Expand]


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