Romantic scenes in art and painting

Margarita at the Fountain :: Juan Antonio Gonzalez

Margarita at the Fountain by artist Juan Antonio Gonzalez - Romantic scenes in art and painting ôîòî
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Juan Antonio Gonzalez (1842-1914) Margarita at the Fountain

Oil On Canvas -1874 109.2 x 76.2 cm ( 43 x 29,9 inch )

Private art collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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User   User Rating: 400  September 12, 2018

A scene that demonstrates the characteristics of the women's world. At the well a girl stands thinking and a little further away - the other two and discuss her. One of the heroines points directly to the one that the author called Margarita, and the second listens attentively to her friend and looks at Margarita with contempt, condemnation, critical. Margarita was too late at the well, and this is her fault, or is she just different from other girls, what causes their irritation and, perhaps, envy? [Expand]


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