Romantic scenes in art and painting

The Eve of St Valentine :: George Smith

The Eve of St Valentine by artist George Smith - Romantic scenes in art and painting ôîòî
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George Smith (1829-1901) The Eve of St Valentine

Oil On Canvas -1871 48 x 38 cm ( 18,9 x 14,9 inch )

Private art collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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Ramdidar    October 25, 2015

LOVE the ideas that Kathy & Sugary Flower posted!! I third the fairy tale vote! A back to scohol theme would be fun toward the end of the summer. You might do a beach or swimming theme that would go along with that common summer past time. I like the idea of some equipment based ones, and I also think a hand molded onigiri theme would be fun. A patriotic theme would be fun for the 4th of July. Transportation would be a fun, as well as animation (like an animated character). Looking forward [Expand]


Akuma    October 27, 2015

round of matches every ssaeon abroad. The idea comes 16 years after the historic creation of the Premier League, and shows just how much the top flight of English football has changed since that key move in


Amir    October 27, 2015

round of matches every sesaon abroad. The idea comes 16 years after the historic creation of the Premier League, and shows just how much the top flight of English football has changed since that key move in [url= [link=


Nunk    October 29, 2015

great interview and i like you even more now... you have great vibe aronud you and i can feel it reading this... and good luck with all your projects and i for sure will get myself a copy of your SKetchbook and also The Ginger Marmalade Toastmeister, i'm totally addicted to children's literature and i don't doubt your story will be a masterpiece... you also mention that you would like to direct the movie... well i find that idea great... with your visual gift i think it would be really [Expand]


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