Oil on canvas, Private collection [ Palace interior, suits of 16 centuries ]
Adriano Cecchi (1850-1936) Old Fashioned Gallantry
Tags: interior of the hall of the lock, big carpet, chair, table, fireplace, columns, chandelier, woman, elegant white dress, doggie, guests
image: Public domain
Submitted by: marina51
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Novo Mesto Is One Of The Best Tourist Destinations
Want to buy a beautiful cottage? Want to move away from hustle and bustle of you daily life? First of all, colleges, recreation, the cost of living, peaceful neighborhoods, and adequate shopping are all things that people look for when they are looking for a house in America. I think most of us would like to live in this place.
Relocating to Novo mesto is a exciting idea considering the popularity of the zone as a tourist attraction. Novo [Expand]
Old-fashioned courtship, as the name suggests, does not really look old-fashioned, at least for that time. Probably the reason for ridicule is the age of the gallant, although his manners fully correspond to the surrounding situation.
Tags: young lady, adult cavalier, old-fashioned gallantry, hand kiss, watching people, dog, ball, carpet, marble floor, carved column, chandelier with candles, red sofa, women's dresses, men's suits, women's hats, men's hats, silver plate, gold vase, wall paintings, cane, dress shoes