Romantic scenes in art and painting

A Toast to Love :: Charles Edouard Edmond Delort

A Toast to Love :: Charles Edouard Edmond Delort - Romantic scenes in art and painting ôîòî
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Charles Edouard Edmond Delort (1841-1895) A Toast to Love

Oil on canvas (100.3 x 73 cm) Private collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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User   User Rating: 400  August 21, 2018

The composition of this picture is interesting: we see a man on a horse, raising a toast, as the name implies, for love, referring to the girls in the window, while the background is a majestic monumental building, elegantly decorated. Among other things, there is a figure of the Cupid, located above all the characters, and several pigeons rise into the air. And despite the definite status of the building, its dark stone and overwhelming dimensions, the canvas as a whole turned out to be positive, [Expand]


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