Take a long slow drive through diefnrfet neighborhoods and check out the color schemes along the way this helps in the real world Personally I like earth tones have fun!
Crasho    December 22, 2015
Dat wil ik ook nog al een hele tijd een keer doen, maar ik zie er zo tegen op.Nu ik jouw mooie foto's weer zie, krijg ik weer de kriebels. Toch maar doen deze witenr????
User   User Rating: 400  September 10, 2018
Emotional canvas, piercing the viewer with the gaze of the main character. This girl is going to be married, probably against her will and, although she is just sitting on an armchair, a wave of her indignation, intransigence and persistence simply flows from the canvas. Her figure, especially the face, is rather small relative to the size of the entire composition, but her frosty look immediately catches the eye and seems to be able to drill a hole where it is directed. It's incredible how the author [Expand]
managed to get such a small detail to make the picture spectacular, emotionally strong and memorable.
Take a long slow drive through diefnrfet neighborhoods and check out the color schemes along the way this helps in the real world Personally I like earth tones have fun!
Dat wil ik ook nog al een hele tijd een keer doen, maar ik zie er zo tegen op.Nu ik jouw mooie foto's weer zie, krijg ik weer de kriebels. Toch maar doen deze witenr????
Emotional canvas, piercing the viewer with the gaze of the main character. This girl is going to be married, probably against her will and, although she is just sitting on an armchair, a wave of her indignation, intransigence and persistence simply flows from the canvas. Her figure, especially the face, is rather small relative to the size of the entire composition, but her frosty look immediately catches the eye and seems to be able to drill a hole where it is directed. It's incredible how the author [Expand]