Romantic scenes in art and painting

Two Ladies Punting on the River :: Henry John Yeend King

Two Ladies Punting on the River by artist Henry John Yeend King - Romantic scenes in art and painting ôîòî
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Henry John Yeend King (1855-1924) Two Ladies Punting on the River

Oil on canvas 46.4 x 61 cm ( 18,3 x 24 inch )

Private art collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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User   User Rating: 400  September 10, 2018

Very serene, idyllic picture. Time seems to have stopped, the girl with the paddle is thoughtful and rowingly clearly slowly, the second heroine draws water with her palm and probably enjoys her coolness. On the water there is almost no ripples, traces from the movement of the boat or paddle, everything flows smoothly, measuredly, peacefully. Both heroines lowered their eyes, probably by withdrawing into their thoughts, fantasies, having abandoned the real world, almost immersed in the world of dreams, [Expand]


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