Romantic scenes in art and painting

Spinning A Yarn :: Ch. Van Wyngaert

Spinning A Yarn :: Ch. Van Wyngaert - Romantic scenes in art and painting ôîòî
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Ch. Van Wyngaert (1872-) Spinning A Yarn

Oil on panel 1872 35 x 45.2 cm ( 13,8 x 17,8 inch )

Public art collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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User   User Rating: 400  September 14, 2018

The title of the picture explains the ironic intention of the author - it can refer to a woman who is spinning yarn, or to a man who, it turns out, tells stories - spins yarns. He probably wants to attract the attention of the heroine of the canvas, surprise her, make an impression on her, she is listening to him thoughtfully and, possibly, believes all his bikes. It is not known how lucky hunter he really is, but he is also hunting in the depicted scene - his position speaks that - hunting for a [Expand]


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