Romantic scenes in art and painting

Paolo And Francesca :: Anselm Friedrich Feuerbach

Paolo And Francesca by artist Anselm Friedrich Feuerbach - Romantic scenes in art and painting ôîòî
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Oil on canvas, 1863 Private collection

Anselm Friedrich Feuerbach (1829-1880) Paolo And Francesca

Tags: dense, wood, romantic love scene, big stone, young man and woman

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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WuDong   User Rating: 810  May 15, 2015

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User   User Rating: 400  August 20, 2018

A romantic, tender scene, depicting two young people. The folds of Francesca's dress are as if carved from stone, like the one which Paolo leans on. His figure, in contrast to the image of the heroine, is dark, like the foliage of the surrounding shrubs. Thus, the characters represent the difference and unity of a man and a woman, a solid light stone and a riotous dark vegetation. A pretty picture, which, although depicts the heroes of the past, can look good in any interior without binding it to [Expand]


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