Romantic scenes in art and painting

Forgiven :: George Harcourt

Forgiven :: George Harcourt - Romantic scenes in art and painting ôîòî
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George Harcourt (1869-1947) Forgiven

Oil on canvas 1898-1899 119.4 x 185.5 cm ( 47 x 72,9 inch )

Art Gallery of South Australia (Adelaide, Australia)

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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User   User Rating: 400  September 14, 2018

Emotional, noteworthy picture. The heroine falls to her knees, asking for forgiveness for some misdemeanor, her repentance is expressed in closed eyes - apparently she is so ashamed that she does not dare look at the hero. He has already forgiven her, picks up her hands to raise the girl from her knees, there is no shadow of resentment or evil. It is not known what character could be guilty in front of her lover, but she is very worried about the risk to hurt, offend his feelings, and he was too [Expand]


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