Romantic scenes in art and painting

The Ferry :: Adrien Moreau

The Ferry :: Adrien Moreau - Romantic scenes in art and painting ôîòî
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Adrien Moreau (1843-1906) The Ferry

Oil on canvas 92.7 x 73.66 cm ( 36,5 x 28,9 inch )

Private art collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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Vicki    March 21, 2017

That's a quctk-wiited answer to a difficult question


User   User Rating: 400  September 15, 2018

The canvas attracts attention with an unusually clean and clear palette, like water in a river. The picture is illuminated by the type of sunlight, which is not bright, but allows you to see everything clearly and in detail, without unnecessary play of shadows, very naturally and realistically. The author's day is slightly cloudy, and the composition is written in slightly subdued tones, which are saturated, the foreground elements are clearly drawn, with clear outlines, the landscape in the distance [Expand]


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