Romantic scenes in art and painting

Romeo and Juliet :: Frank Dicksee

Romeo and Juliet :: Frank Dicksee - Romantic scenes in art and painting ôîòî
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Frank Dicksee (1853-1928) Romeo and Juliet

Oil on canvas Location unknown

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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User   User Rating: 400  August 29, 2018

A classic story with the most famous lovers, but the canvas does not seem banal. Perhaps, the palette has been chosen correctly and accurately, it is not bright and colorful, but at the same time allows you to place the necessary accents. Everything is illuminated with light, like the relations of young people. They try to stay in the shade, far from the sun's rays, but their lives are played in a variety of colors - from pink, like the hope that the sunrise gives, to the azure as the harmony of [Expand]


lucky95   User Rating: 491  November 29, 2019

Tags: couple in love, kiss, white dress, red tunic, dagger, bag, Bush, leaves, arch, carved column, marble windowsill, multicolored carpet, vase, flowers, curtains, sky, clouds, city view, balcony, red roof, gold trim columns, steps


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