In terms of color is very simple, concise, almost black and white composition. Probably, the author wanted to depict everyday rural life as realistically as possible, when it’s not up to beauty and embellishment. But the picture is very pleasant - after all, in essence, all its heroes are children. The daughter of farmers is no longer a baby, but still a child, like the calves she caresses. Probably the most adult character is a dog, and indeed, in her gaze there is a certain maturity, seriousness [Expand]
In terms of color is very simple, concise, almost black and white composition. Probably, the author wanted to depict everyday rural life as realistically as possible, when it’s not up to beauty and embellishment. But the picture is very pleasant - after all, in essence, all its heroes are children. The daughter of farmers is no longer a baby, but still a child, like the calves she caresses. Probably the most adult character is a dog, and indeed, in her gaze there is a certain maturity, seriousness [Expand]