Village life

Rest from the work :: Ludwig Hartmann

Rest from the work  by artist Ludwig Hartmann  - Village life ôîòî
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Ludwig Hartmann (1835-1902) Rast Von Der Arbeit

Oil On Panel 30.5 x 56 cm

Private art collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

Return to section: Village life (151-300)

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User   User Rating: 400  February 12, 2019

The painting depicts villagers who work in the field with the whole family, and the little daughter is located right next to her. The man in the background plowing the ground with a plow, causing an association with Leo Tolstoy. And in the foreground a woman with a girl are going to have lunch and rest during this pause. The girl collected flowers for the horses, and they gladly eat them. These figures make up the central part of the composition and set its mood. Their images are very original, written [Expand]


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