Village life

Outside the White Swan Inn :: William Shayer

Outside the White Swan Inn :: William Shayer - Village life ôîòî
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William Shayer (1788-1879) Outside the White Swan Inn

Oil On Canvas -1855 71.1 x 91.5 cm ( 28 x 36 inch )

Private art collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

Return to section: Village life (151-300)

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User   User Rating: 400  February 17, 2019

The artist depicted an attractive landscape around a certain country hotel. The inn itself is only one of the elements of the composition and does not play the main role. The main attention is attracted by two huge trees in the center of the canvas. They are depicted in their full height and make it possible to understand that this is the realm of nature, and not man, they seem to be watching everything happening, towering above the path. Their mighty crown is drawn not clearly, but in relief, giving [Expand]


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