Village life

Harvest Time :: Alfred Glendening

Harvest Time by artist Alfred Glendening  - Village life ôîòî
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Alfred Glendening (1861-1907) Harvest Time

Oil on canvas, -1889 (76.2 x 127.6 cm)( 30 x 50,1 inch ) Private collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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User   User Rating: 400  January 30, 2019

Golden autumn, so quiet, pleasant, warm. Autumn, which doesn't leave sad mood. The heroes of the picture are busy harvesting, and this fading of nature seems just a rest, a logical slowdown of life after the hot summer season. The grass in the sheaves looks like well-combed hair, neatly tucked, it seems silky and very lively, although it is dry. The combination of golden nature and blue sky is very harmonious and natural.


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