Village life

At the Well :: Edouard Bernard Debat-Ponsan

At the Well :: Edouard Bernard Debat-Ponsan - Village life ôîòî
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Edouard Bernard Debat-Ponsan (1847-1913) At the Well

Oil on canvas, 1888 (90.2 x 129.5 cm)( 35,5 x 50,9 inch ) Private collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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User   User Rating: 400  January 31, 2019

The scene at the well, it is depicted as simple as possible, realistic, but very vividly conveys the atmosphere of light flirtation between the characters. It is clear that the characters lead a very modest life, in harmony with nature and with themselves. And the characters do not seem to be deprived and unhappy; they flirt at ease and attract all the viewer's attention. This is helped by the neutral colors of the environment, which are natural and correspond to the mood of the canvas.


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