A little more foollw up the basal gangia were also hypometabolic so there is evidence for subcortical involvement.I should mention I had two possible internal head trauma events.1. MVA with C2 and C3 fractures requiring a Halo brace for two months but no screening for or diagnosis of concussion other than the CT on my neck.2. A bad fall on the ice with the back of my head hitting the ice first and everything else in the air as I was coming down. I'm pretty sure I had at least a mild concussion [Expand]
because I knew I was with a group of friends in general (acutally one of several youth leaders and a large youth group at an ice rink) but I could not remember my name or which people withing the group I knew. I went to check my blood sugar I think out of ingrained habit associating confusion with hypoglycemia and then started to take an insulin shot (again mechanical habit my glucose was not high) and fortunately another leader knew I had already taken my insulin earlier and saw the dazed look on my face.A group of leaders prayed for me at that point and I started to regain normal awareness and I did not think much about it after that.In both above cases there were no acute lingering effects and both predated my education for a BS in Sonogrpahy from the OUHSC which is a very demanding program. My grades and success were much higher for this than for my BBA in Marketing that happened before the Whipple and the two possible internal head trauma events.The excessive daytime sleepiness and some mild forgetfullness began around two years after the two events above and around six years after the Whipple procedure.
Misa    October 27, 2015
we may be entering a near-term poreid of profound and abrupt change. Well, we know that, but reading Korowicz reminded me, in concise and powerful terms, why this is true. Unfortunately, it seems like a rough draft, full of grammatical errors throughout. But it's quite readable, if not eminently quotable for this reason.Besides reciting the reasons that the second half of Hubbert's energy bulge has poor EROEI (much of the oil may be left in the ground as a result) he unites financial [Expand]
news with realpolitik and complexity theory. His main notion is that the complex inter-relation of these highly contingent systems means that when one is crippled, the others shut down. A severe blow to one could send the whole of global civilization into terminal decline. And he's not talking about long term decline. His phrase is systemic collapse .It seems that he takes, as the Tipping Point, the soon-to-occur moment when a sufficient body of opinion develops in financial markets, that the economy will not grow again, but must contract due to energy decline. Forestalling that moment, he suggests, is the reason for manipulation of demand projections by the IEA last year. Once the market can no longer be fooled into expecting growth, credit will dry up, loans will be defaulted on, the recession will deepen, and any further expansion of energy production will be out of the question. This will have deep impact on food production, purchasing power, investment and sovereign debt, leading to a self-reinforcing spiral of systemic collapse. This conforms to the John Michael Greer prediction of "catabolic collapse". And it's hard to refute Korowicz' suggestion that the moment of reckoning is nearly upon us. His recommendation: There is much we can do. Not to prevent or defer a collapse, rather to prepare to some degree our selves and communities for some of its impacts. Well, aint that what this here blog is all about.Korowicz makes a very good case for his scenario. And yet he fails to engage the leading competitor to this paradigm, which is planned collapse by an empowered elite: the Cheney Plan. If the elite has its own energy generation, off of our grid, if this elite is not dependent on the illusion of money, but firmly in possession of land, water and commodities, and if it can reliably command both technicians and military force, it might let us crash and continue making progress on its own. I think that would have to involve mass murder on a grand scale, but given the mindset shown by many of the Dark Ones, it seems a real possibility.But read the article anyway!
User   User Rating: 400  February 3, 2019
An interesting composition of the picture, which seems to consist of two parts. The first - the foreground - is in the shade, so the cowgirl and the cows are made in dark colors, muffled. As if the author did not want to draw undue attention to their figures, at the same time, they are the main characters of the canvas, but they are captured in the usual setting for them, so the artist tried not to distinguish them too much. Only the surface of the water reflects the sky and brings light to this [Expand]
part of the picture. The background, on the contrary, is brightly lit, but in the composition it is only a background that emphasizes a certain silence, restraint and modesty of the life of the villagers.
A little more foollw up the basal gangia were also hypometabolic so there is evidence for subcortical involvement.I should mention I had two possible internal head trauma events.1. MVA with C2 and C3 fractures requiring a Halo brace for two months but no screening for or diagnosis of concussion other than the CT on my neck.2. A bad fall on the ice with the back of my head hitting the ice first and everything else in the air as I was coming down. I'm pretty sure I had at least a mild concussion [Expand]
we may be entering a near-term poreid of profound and abrupt change. Well, we know that, but reading Korowicz reminded me, in concise and powerful terms, why this is true. Unfortunately, it seems like a rough draft, full of grammatical errors throughout. But it's quite readable, if not eminently quotable for this reason.Besides reciting the reasons that the second half of Hubbert's energy bulge has poor EROEI (much of the oil may be left in the ground as a result) he unites financial [Expand]
An interesting composition of the picture, which seems to consist of two parts. The first - the foreground - is in the shade, so the cowgirl and the cows are made in dark colors, muffled. As if the author did not want to draw undue attention to their figures, at the same time, they are the main characters of the canvas, but they are captured in the usual setting for them, so the artist tried not to distinguish them too much. Only the surface of the water reflects the sky and brings light to this [Expand]