Village life

The Haymakers Lunch :: Julien Dupre

The Haymakers Lunch :: Julien Dupre - Village life ôîòî
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Julien Dupre (1851-1910) Le Dejeuner de Faneuse [The Haymakers Lunch]

Oil on canvas (55.88 x 66.04 cm)( 22 x 26 inch ) Rehs Galleries, Inc., New York City

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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User   User Rating: 400  February 3, 2019

It would seem a simple lunch scene in the field. And the food is the simplest - bread, water and something hot in a pot. The pictured couple are the most ordinary people who work in the field, gather hay. But this feeling of a break, a little rest, lunch in the open air - it is so clear, pleasant, infectious ... I'd like to join them, taste their bread with the aroma of the field and mown hay, as sweet as spring water.


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