Village life

In The Meadow :: Pascal-Adolphe-Jean Dagnan-Bouveret

In The Meadow  by artist Pascal-Adolphe-Jean Dagnan-Bouveret  - Village life ôîòî
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Pascal-Adolphe-Jean Dagnan-Bouveret (1852-1929) In The Meadow

Oil on canvas, 1892 (95.89 x 90.87 cm)( 37,8 x 35,7 inch ) Private collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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User   User Rating: 400  February 8, 2019

This picture combines clarity and blurriness, simplicity and depth. Its composition is almost primitive, there are two figures against the most basic background. The artist, one might say, depicted the surrounding landscape in the conditional way - the sky and the meadow - these are just two zones of different colors. Simplicity creates a clear perception, the viewer at first glance notices all the details of the picture. At the same time, their contours are slightly blurred, this gives the canvas [Expand]


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