Village life

An Autumn Morning :: Paul-Camille Guigou

An Autumn Morning by artist Paul-Camille Guigou - Village life ôîòî
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Paul-Camille Guigou. An Autumn Morning

Oil on canvas, 1865 Public collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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User   User Rating: 400  February 8, 2019

The author has chosen an unusual moment of capturing nature. Morning is a time of hope, awakening, freshness and purity. Autumn - on the contrary, is associated with sadness, wilting, ending and fading. The artist tried to catch the mood of the autumn morning, which combines all these contradictory characteristics. The tones of the paintings are muffled, there is no bright sun, but everything is well lit by a light. The colors are slightly whitened, cool and convey a feeling of coolness of autumn [Expand]


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