Village life

Washerwoman by the River :: Hippolyte Camille Delpy

Washerwoman by the River :: Hippolyte Camille Delpy - Village life ôîòî
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Hippolyte Camille Delpy (1842-1910) Washerwoman by the River

Oil On Panel -1900 39.7 x 71.1 cm ( 15,6 x 27,9 inch )

Private art collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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User   User Rating: 400  February 9, 2019

The typical landscape of the midland, very native and close. The village, as often happens, is on the river bank, where women wash clothes, and geese are walking along the grass next to them. Gable roofs among trees. It seems that the picture is covered with some kind of veil, and the distant coast is generally in a fog. This uncertain weather is also characteristic of the middle zone. Summer day, but there is no sun, the sky is blue, but covered with white clouds. There is something elusive, ghostly [Expand]


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