The picture depicts the spring, but it is clear only from the title. As in the canvas "Autumn" by the same author, the main theme is the work of people, daily work. The fact that it is spring, says their occupation - planting plants, most likely flowers - in flowerbeds. People themselves are not interested in the artist, he hardly draws their faces, the main thing is their work, regardless of the time of year. The colors of the paintings are dull, muffled, characteristic of the authors of Northern [Expand]
The picture depicts the spring, but it is clear only from the title. As in the canvas "Autumn" by the same author, the main theme is the work of people, daily work. The fact that it is spring, says their occupation - planting plants, most likely flowers - in flowerbeds. People themselves are not interested in the artist, he hardly draws their faces, the main thing is their work, regardless of the time of year. The colors of the paintings are dull, muffled, characteristic of the authors of Northern [Expand]