Village life

The Harvesters :: Julien Dupre

The Harvesters :: Julien Dupre - Village life ôîòî
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Julien Dupre (1851-1910) The Harvesters

Oil on panel, 1889 (38.7 x 46.3 cm)( 15,2 x 18,2 inch ) Private collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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User   User Rating: 400  February 3, 2019

One of several paintings by the artist, which depicts people making hay in stacks. In this case, the figures of people are sealed from afar and just create a general idea of their hard work. But quite clearly, carefully is traced hay, blades of grass that spill out of the general heap, picked up by the wind and scattered randomly on the ground. Apparently, the author was fascinated by this chaotic vortex of blades of grass, their disobedient and unpredictable temper.


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