Village life

Harvest Time :: Myles Birket Foster

Harvest Time :: Myles Birket Foster - Village life ôîòî
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Myles Birket Foster, R.W.S. (1825-1899) Harvest Time

Pencil and watercolor (58.6 x 88.7 cm)( 23,1 x 34,9 inch ) Private collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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User   User Rating: 400  February 7, 2019

Light, pacifying composition. It depicts real life, people who are busy collecting ears, while their life is currently flowing here - there are men and women, adults and children, one woman holds a very young child in her arms, maybe she’s lulling. Despite the hard work and difficult conditions, they quietly go about their business, serene, like the sky above them. There are small clouds in the sky, but they are so light and transparent that they do not overshadow the sun and make the sky more picturesque [Expand]


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