Village life

The Shepherd's Rest :: Myles Birket Foster

 The Shepherd's Rest :: Myles Birket Foster - Village life ôîòî
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Myles Birket Foster, R.W.S. (1825-1899) The Shepherd's Rest

Watercolour and bodycolour (28 x 47 cm)( 11 x 18,5 inch ) Private collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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User   User Rating: 400  February 7, 2019

Afternoon siesta, midday rest. The composition is imbued with a mood of relaxation, bliss, laziness and serenity. Even the dog allowed herself to relax next to the owner. Sheep, like white bumps, lie on the shore, and if they want to drink, they approach the river. The shore is shallow, the current is calm, the ducks swim on the spot, as in a pond. Picturesque backdrop to this landscape is created by lush trees and lush clouds. They seem to be soft, as if, carefully enclose the shepherd and the herd [Expand]


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