Delphin Enjolras (1857 Coucouron - 1945 Toulouse) La Lecture Au Clair de la Lampe Pastel On Paper 54 x 73 cm ( 21,3 x 28,7 inch) Private art collection
DelphinEnjolras was a French academic painter. He painted portraits, figures, interiors, and used mostly watercolours, oil and pastels.
lucky95   User Rating: 491  December 5, 2019
Tags: portrait of a girl. hairstyle. lamp. flowers in ecstasy. glass vase. open book. the white mattress. wooden carved chair. light walls. a white shawl. purple plaid. painting on the wall. wooden cabinet. soft seat. box. silver chain. wooden table.
Tags: portrait of a girl. hairstyle. lamp. flowers in ecstasy. glass vase. open book. the white mattress. wooden carved chair. light walls. a white shawl. purple plaid. painting on the wall. wooden cabinet. soft seat. box. silver chain. wooden table.