Landscapes in art and painting

Landscapes in art and painting

Landscapes in art and painting - hundreds of masterpieces in high quality with comments and descriptions.
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Forest landscapes

Forest landscapes

Landscapes with cows

Landscapes with cows

Mountain scenery

Mountain scenery

Night landscapes

Night landscapes

River landscapes

River landscapes

Summer landscapes and gardens

Summer landscapes and gardens

Gardens in Art
Sunset and sunrise, sundown

Sunset and sunrise, sundown

Declines and dawns landscapes
winter landscapes

winter landscapes


Landscape with road and the house
Landscapes - Landscape with road and the house
Landscape of Izara At a thunder-storm :: Albert Zimmerman
Landscapes - Landscape of Izara At a thunder-storm :: Albert Zimmerman
Picnic on a Frozen Lake :: Alexander Joseph Wittevronghel
Landscapes - Picnic on a Frozen Lake :: Alexander Joseph Wittevronghel
The railway at St Prive :: Henri-Joseph Harpignies
Landscapes - The railway at St Prive :: Henri-Joseph Harpignies
A Tranquil Pond :: Peder Mork Monsted
Landscapes - A Tranquil Pond :: Peder Mork Monsted

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User   User Rating: 400  June 25, 2018

Landscape to some extent can replace the ride to nature, the viewer contemplates the forest, mountains or meadow and already receives a certain charge of energy, a breath of fresh air. After all, a well-written picture allows you to feel yourself as its actor and transfers into its reality.


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