Coastal landscapes

The Bay of Naples :: Franz Richard Unterberger

The Bay of Naples :: Franz Richard Unterberger - Coastal landscapes ôîòî
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Franz Richard Unterberger (1838-1902) The Bay of Naples

Oil On Canvas 45.7 x 81.8 cm ( 18 x 32,1 inch )

Private art collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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WuDong   User Rating: 810  December 25, 2019

Naples (Napoli)

The city at the foot of the volcano, one of the three largest cities in Italy and the center of southern Italy, the city is known worldwide for its rich history and unique culture. Naples attracts from all over the world lovers of rich sightseeing holidays. Rest in Naples is a sea of impressions and interesting discoveries, developed infrastructure of the world resort, wonderful music and delicious cuisine.

The ancient city on the site of Naples was founded in the [Expand]


Marat   User Rating: 376  December 28, 2019

The work is horizontal format painting. It is perfect and ideal for Hispanic interior style of home decoration. I do like the artwork of Franz Richard Unterberger “The Bay of Naples”. He depicted people sitting or walking along the Bay of Naples. The Bay is full of life. The people are making fire to prepare a meal. The atmosphere of the artwork is tranquil and relaxed. It is a peaceful and careless life of happy people. The painting is blooming, and tone is varying. Amazing artwork – well-balanced [Expand]


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