Sunset and sunrise, sundown

View Of Kronenberg Castle At Sunset :: Alfred Wahlberg

View Of Kronenberg Castle At Sunset  by artist Alfred Wahlberg - Sunset and sunrise, sundown ôîòî
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Alfred Wahlberg (1834-1906) View Of Kronenberg Castle At Sunset

Oil on canvas 162.6 x 108 cm ( 64 x 42,4 inch )

Private art collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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James    October 25, 2015

- i feel like every time i leave you a comment it's alyaws the same .because your work is consistently UH-MAZING! simply gorgeous. gorgeous girl, gorgeous lighting, gorgeous location. so in love with your style, mariola!


Sergey    October 27, 2015

- I love these!! I'm jealous! I want to have taken them.. She rellay is beautiful and obviously a total natural infront of the camera. GORGEOUS GORGEOUS GORGEOUS! U Should be very proud


Luis    October 27, 2015

- What a cool party! I just can't believe how big your ltltie girl has gotten! I see her ltltie baby face everyday on my patterns so I forget how big she is. It goes too fast! [url= [link=


Muzza    October 29, 2015

Det tredje bieldt ovenfra falt rett i hjertet pe5 meg..=)Se5nn ellers tror jeg at jeg har endel e5 le6re ang fotografering, for jeg ser ofte slike bilder som f eks nr to her, og skjf8nner lixom ikke helt hvorfor det er se5 fasinerende (for det ER fasinerende selv for meg) enda det er "uskarpt".. Det er jo kunst. Det er jo slikt toppfotografer gjf8r. Hvorfor gjf8r ikke jeg se5nn? hvorfor faller ikke tanken inn hos meg? hvor hvordan gjf8r man det i det hele tatt? Ved e5 bevege kameraet, eller ved e5 [Expand]


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