Night landscapes in art and painting

Night landscapes in art and painting

Night landscapes in art and painting - hundreds of masterpieces in high quality with comments and descriptions.
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Night landscapes


Man and Woman Contemplating the Moon :: Caspar David Friedrich
Night landscapes - Man and Woman Contemplating the Moon :: Caspar David Friedrich
Forge Valley Near Scarborough :: John Atkinson Grimshaw
Night landscapes - Forge Valley Near Scarborough :: John Atkinson Grimshaw
A Moonlit Night :: Carl Wagner
Night landscapes - A Moonlit Night :: Carl Wagner
Forge Valley, Near Scarborough :: John Atkinson Grimshaw
Night landscapes - Forge Valley, Near Scarborough :: John Atkinson Grimshaw
Briggate Leeds :: John Atkinson Grimshaw
Night landscapes - Briggate Leeds :: John Atkinson Grimshaw

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User   User Rating: 400  June 25, 2018

The beauty of night landscapes is that darkness hides everything secondary, leaving only an essential in sight. And when something is hidden, it excites imagination, and everyone can interpret the picture in his own way, draw in the mentally invisible details. In addition, night landscapes are usually quiet, nature stands still, and does not interfere the contemplation and the meditation of the viewer.


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