Marat   User Rating: 376  November 14, 2019
The work is horizontal format painting. It is best suited for modern Arabic interior design style of home decoration. I do not like the artwork of Eugиne Delacroix who painted Arab horses fighting in a stable. The painting is depressing and insipid.
Ann   User Rating: 160  November 20, 2019
It hurts me to watch animals fight with each other, and people have fun because of this. the artist portrayed all the rage and cruelty
lucky95   User Rating: 491  December 17, 2019
Tags: brown horse, white horse, mane, tail, hooves, brick walls, fabric, stick, wooden window, multicolored fabric, turban, Oriental clothing, bare feet, wooden ceiling
The work is horizontal format painting. It is best suited for modern Arabic interior design style of home decoration. I do not like the artwork of Eugиne Delacroix who painted Arab horses fighting in a stable. The painting is depressing and insipid.
It hurts me to watch animals fight with each other, and people have fun because of this. the artist portrayed all the rage and cruelty
Tags: brown horse, white horse, mane, tail, hooves, brick walls, fabric, stick, wooden window, multicolored fabric, turban, Oriental clothing, bare feet, wooden ceiling